What is Fashion Digital Marketing?
- 8th May 2020
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In the modern age of online trend, where brands are battling for the buyer’s attention, where the world is less physical and more digital; it is extremely important to market your fashion brands correctly and tactfully in front of your target audience. Putting a good brand image will not only help you to increase your sales, but will also help you to reach a larger audience, increase your online presence thereby making you ‘famous’, leaving a longer lasting foot print in the era of fashion.
To be able to market your fashion brand properly, it is extremely important to first know your strengths, your brand identity, brand exclusivity, market segment, target audience, and your selling platform.
Be an expert, If you don't wanna sell everything like Amazon, Flipkart then concentrate on specific demographics, specific psychographics, specific Geographic, specific behavioral.
Once you are ready with your market research you will have the exact data of your target audience, Based on this knowledge you can develop the best product in that category using the specific data, then comes the question of how to reach your targeted audience, how to draw their attention to your product ? And that is when digital marketing comes into play. Read more about how can you effectively plan and execute fashion digital marketing and generate great results:
There is no fixed rule to market your product, but there are definitely few things that can help you achieve your goals.
Many Fashion enthusiasts have already started their online presence, by being actively present on their social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc. Then there are e-commerce platforms where they have started selling their products such as Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra etc. Then there are also the ones who are selling through their own websites.
When you know your market segment, it is easier for you to advertise your product in a specific region, age group, gender, etc. Do you want to take your fashion brand to another level? It is still not too late and a well-crafted ongoing fashion digital marketing strategy can create wonders for your fashion business.
Endorse your brand exclusivity:
Make a strong unique selling proposition. What makes you different from others? What is it that you have to offer that others don’t? Make your brand exclusivity your strongest armor; blazon your brand identity, for instance you can reach your target audience with a clear statement like - Hey! We are a group of designers creating sustainable jackets, using the industrial waste, we are up-cycling and we are sensitive towards our eco-system. So having a specialization helps you achieve more profits in terms of money and also helps to attract the audience who are solely interested in your product.
source : https://www.fashionrevolution.org/usa-blog/7-fashion-brands-that-are-designing-out-waste/
People want to read less and SEE more
In today’s era of rush, most people have little time to read, they prefer to look and gain knowledge. Keeping this ideology in mind make sure that you come up with interesting, hi-resolution, unique videos, creative, photo shoots for your fashion brand. Smartly displaying them on your social media and across your website feed, you can make use of the right time to spread brand awareness. Being alert and sensitive to the trends of the moment is very important as you can leverage the mood of your consumers to your advantage.
Don’t over update, neither under update
Too many updates can end up irritating your audience and can lead to a loss of interest in your fashion brand or even dampen your brand value. Remember whatever you are posting online is the direct communication of the brand to the audience, so communicating the right image and with pre-consented reminders of your existence is vital; the content should be full of substance with all the necessary details - not too much nor too less.
Concentrate on user experience:
Pay attention to the website interface or social media templates, The information that you want to convey should be clear, it should have the potential to attract the consumers, content should not be confusing and your creative templates should vibrate with the feel of your brand identity as well.
Promotion with the help of influencers:
Influencer marketing is a vital cog in the Fashion digital marketing business and has helped many new brands in attaining a bigger market visibility and viability. Depending on the size of your fashion business you can choose the type of fashion influencers you want to work with to help you target a specific audience. These could be beauty and lifestyle bloggers or some celebrities with big fan followings depending on your type of business and the fashion consumers you want to attract.
Source : https://www.instagram.com/p/B_hD_b5gEVC/
How to choose the correct influencer?
Choosing a brand influencer is critical as this could either make or break your brand image. Ideally the first factor is the compatibility of the influencer’s image with your fashion products, with your brand ideology and with your brand identity. By making sure that these match you can create an ideal fashion digital marketing situation and succeed.
There could be two approaches here:
1) Targeting a lot of influencers at the same time, of the same kind and making it look like natural not a paid advertisement. This will make people think of it as a trend that everyone is following and they might want to try it themselves.
Source : https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/burberrytrench/?hl=en
2) Making it look completely organic, one influencer at a time, so that people don't think that you have been pushing the product too much and this marketing strategy will also make your brand look effortless and not just a short lived trend.
Event specific advertisement:
Focus on upcoming festivals and events like Christmas, New year’s, Thanksgiving, etc. Plan your fashion marketing campaigns and give offers to customers accordingly. Fashion brands can come up with a capsule collection of let’s say 4-5 looks for the specific event and gain popularity in no time. This is also a problem solving approach as people would be looking for new attires during the same time, and this timely and focused approach by your fashion brand will help you gain more profit.
Building interaction between buyer and seller:
People are reluctant to buy from the newbies so it is important to build an interactive profile, where you can announce promotional offers, giveaways, contests and live chat sessions with experts, etc. For instance a Fashion brand can conduct a live session on the tricks for attaining a stylish look for office, or how to recreate the existing clothes, etc. A constant communication like this can build trust between the buyer and seller. But all this needs to be done in a subtle manner so that it doesn't make the brand look very wannabe and keeping the brand identity in mind. Google advertisement, amazon product ads, Facebook lookalike audiences, promotion on Instagram, etc. are other ways to reach your audiences.
The suggestion is to pick one source and then work on it rigorously. If you have merely started your fashion business and are trying to gain recognition it is advisable to start with Facebook ads. Promotions on Instagram and other marketing platforms can help you expand and reach out to many more consumers in due course of time.
Maximize the value of every visitor:
How to optimize the value of your money which you have spent on fashion marketing Ads? For that you need data of the people who have opened your ads so that you can share notifications with them, send emails and constant reminders of your product etc. There are a number of websites who can help you collect data, like: Sumo Smart Bar, WP Notification Bar, Hello Bar, etc.
People who have just started off and do not want to get into all this can simply track the Daily visitors on their Instagram or Facebook profiles and then slowly and gradually tap them and convert them into your regular buyers.
Search engine optimization:
Do you want that the fashion brand that you have created should come on Google search, when anyone searches the related key words and you get organic traffic on the website, which is absolutely free and highly effective in increasing your fashion sales? For that you have to register your website on Google webmaster and work on SEO (search engine optimization) religiously.
Source : https://www.google.com/webmasters/#?modal_active=none
Post purchase sales:
Using the data of the people who have previously shopped with you can help you generate more value by pushing emails and advertisement, notifications to them about similar products, based on their liking and previously shopped articles. For instance- If someone has shopped a formal shirt there is a possibility that the person is an office goer and needs formal clothing on a regular basis. So, based on such a theory you can optimize your sales, by showing them more options in a similar fashion category.
Customer feedback:
Ask more and more people to give feedbacks and reviews, so that you can use these feedbacks in the positive marketing of your fashion brand. Customer feedback is a free source of advertisement and can help your fashion digital marketing efforts in a huge way. Many potential buyers trust online reviews of a product and such reviews also help in spreading the knowledge about your fashion brand and your fashion products. Positive customer feedback on Social Media about your fashion wear can also help the SEO of your fashion website, thereby helping your website get a better ranking on google. Last but not the least these feedbacks will help you know your customers better; you can improve customer experience and increase their satisfactions by answering their queries, heeding their suggestions and acknowledging their participation. All in all Fashion Digital marketing is ideally a two way process where you are creating an invaluable interaction with your consumers each moment.
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