Diesel - Story of a Casual Brand Becoming a Luxurious Brand Today

  • 22nd May 2020
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Diesel - Story of a Casual Brand Becoming a Luxurious Brand Today

Land of the Stupid, Home of the Brave’ this slogan now circulates the globe as part of the promotional strategy of the luxury brand Diesel. To others it is an unusual assertion but for many others it fits with a post-modern anti-fashion attitude presented by this multinational organization.

Let’s have a look at the rocking personality who introduced to us this rock and roll style ball bottoms.

Source : https://the-talks.com/interview/renzo-rosso/

Renzo Rosso is the man who launched this quirky mark. Born in 1955 near Padua in north-east Italy, Rosso grew up crazily surrounded by style in the country. He entered his nearby technical college where, in 1970, he learned textiles and construction.

During his young youth Rosso began to express interest in fashion and styling, when his friend managed to get some meters of American jeans. He borrowed the sewing machine from his mother and made his first apparel piece, a pair of tight fitting bell-bottoms with a 17-inch flare. There was however only one issue! He had forgotten to add a strip of cloth behind the zipper, and he went into a pool of sweat every time he zipped them up, dreading the prospect of a traumatic crash. He may not have been great at making the jeans, but he certainly had the visual ideas to be able to market and design them. Somehow managing to successfully making his idea work he gave his piece of design to his friends, after wearing such an iconic piece. His friends made public appearances after which the style and the friends both acquired fame overnight!

Journey of the Thousand Miles

Rosso was given a position working for Adriano Goldschmidt,(known as the “God Father” of denim jeans ) in his business Moltex through an invitation by his colleagues. Goldschmied, an Italian casual apparel visionary, saw the promise in Rosso and formed Diesel as a casual clothing company together in 1978

Source : https://denimhunters.com/adriano-goldschmied-blue-blooded/

Rosso noticed an element of pleasure was absent from the sartorial elegance of Italian fashion. Together Rosso and Goldschmied combined American street design with the classic Italian artistry. The consequence was casual wear that eliminated the constraints from Italy but abused the haute couture theme.

Who says Men can’t come with drama?

This was the first series of Diesel people created in 1979. Two years later the firm started selling clothes outside of Italy. The Diesel Kids line started running in 1984 with the company continuing to expand.

The Diesel trend did not start until 1985, when Rosso quit Goldschmied and took over total management, while the company had been expanding successfully.

Rosso has been totally revolutionizing the design approach of the company. Recruiting open-minded young artists, he chose people of a common esthetic in fashion to his own and together they overlooked the patterns and developments of the seasons within the industry. They were then inspired by their own attitudes, and built what they represented as individuals.

Female Collection

Source : https://wwd.com/runway/mens-spring-collections-2018/milan/diesel-black-gold/review/

Offering stylistic flexibility to the artists lead to creative and new projects. Commercially the strategy became extremely popular and rivals sought to pursue the concept of Rosso. In 1989, with the industry expanding, Diesel introduced a female range. The next year, the brand started planning for its first foreign promotional campaign.

This initiative signaled the beginning of the successful methods of communicating with the public in Diesel. Adopting the idea that the company's ideology was not isolated from its letter, the aim was to construct something different, anything of humor. Diesel is also making adverts that are almost as nice as their clothing.

Yes, Diesel has published a Book..!!

Source : https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/46001719-essential-words-and-phrases-for-travellers-and-tourists

Diesel published a handbook in 1996 entitled ‘Essential Words and Phrases for Travellers and Tourists’. The book provided translations including; ‘Please remove the fetid carcass from the bedroom’ and ‘Excuse me, you are treading on my hand.’ Another book followed named ‘Fight Me: Diplomacy is a Kick in the Face’ described as a ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Defence’. Both books were actually clothing catalogues for the company, but it highlighted Diesel’s sense of humour.

Innovation & Expansions

Throughout 2007, casual products and beachwear were introduced to Diesel's collection. The same year they released Diesel Black Gold. The year had also contributed to cooperation between the company and L'Oreal in developing a scent, Fuel for Life. In 2008 Diesel partnered with Adidas to create Adidas Originals Denim by Diesel.

Source : https://hypebeast.com/2008/8/adidas-originals-x-diesel-2008-fallwinter-collection


In 2008 Diesel demonstrated their creative marketing strategy. A collaboration with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has enabled Diesel to sell its designs in the virtual environment of Sony's Playstation, 'Home.'

Source : https://www.entertainment-focus.com/games-section/game-news/diesel-announces-new-collaboration-with-ps4s-days-gone/

With the advent of "Only the Brave" Foundation the organization began to expand in 2008. This was founded to support underprivileged children. The organization initially originated in north-eastern Italy, and has now spread into Africa.

Wilbert Das quit Diesel in 2009 and was succeeded by the editor of French luxury WAD Magazine Bruno Collin the next year.

Renzo Rosso once said: "We just started selling jeans and we are now selling a way of life."

The brand of casual wear which began in 1978 has grown to become an international label. Youthful but not ageist, Diesel conveys a feeling of triumph over fashion. The business always loves and knows the fashion's relevant but on the 'Diesel Route.'

Never being limited by market requirements, the theme of the business is not restricted to regional limits but incorporates all diverse communities in the designs. Both men and women find themselves identified as objects of sex

Identified for all of its provocative messages, Diesel is a company that understands the fashion industry and can humorously take advantage of its seriousness

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Kinjal Pandit

She is a freelancer social media content strategist. Her love for trying out new cuisine and making new friends has helped her come a long way as a food blogger and food stylist.You can check her food journey with her friends at thehoggersblog. She loves chatting and speaking her heart out candidly.... read more


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