11 Most Expensive Diamonds in The World
- 18th May 2020
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‘‘I hate diamonds.’’ - Said no girl ever!
As fascinating as it is for the women in our realm, ever wondered why diamonds, which are considered to be the hardest natural material known to humankind, are worn as fancy jewels and not under a bullet proof jacket? These iotas of carbon particles or diamonds as we know them are so rare they take millions of years to form! And we all know how the world works, ‘anything that is rare and exclusive is bound to be sold as rare and exclusive’.
Here are 11 most expensive diamonds that the rich classes are still racing against each other to acquire:
#11- The Moussaieff Red Diamond - goes up to $8 Million

Source : https://www.naturallycolored.com/famous-diamonds/moussaieff-red-diamond
Formerly known as ‘The Red Shield’, this diamond comes under the ‘Red Diamonds’ and is one of the rarest strands in the bunch. Typically originated in Brazil, this diamond came to light in the 1990’s and is currently the largest natural-colored fancy red diamond graded by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) . A triangular brilliant-cut, it is sometimes cited as a trilliant cut , weighing 5.11 carats. Graded as Internally Flawless (IF), this fancy red stone was exhibited at the Natural History Museum of the Smithsonian Institution in 2003 and 2005. This diamond was displayed in the world’s 8 most incredible diamonds adding its subtle pinch of dominance over the market.
#10- The Heart of Eternity — $16 million

Source : http://famousdiamonds.tripod.com/heartofeternitydiamond.html
This diamond belongs to the exclusive blue family which represents only 1% of the all mined fancy colored diamonds. The heart of eternity, in its all exclusive vivid blue digs its roots back to The South African Premier Diamond Mine. What makes it so breathtakingly rare is its lack of gray or black undertones. This eye-catchy heart shaped charmer was originally cut from a 777 carat rough diamond. The original known owners of this piece were the mining firm Steinmetz Group, it was then later bought by the De Beers group in 2000. For all those gossip mongers out there, Rumour has it, that in 2012 boxer Floyd Mayweather purchased the diamond for then-fiancée, Shantel Jackson. This has not however been confirmed by De Beers, or are they silent? That is for you to figure it out!
#9- The Perfect Pink — $23.2 million

Source : https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/hongkong/8170240/Perfect-Pink-diamond-sells-for-23-million.html
This mesmerizing intense pink is a 14.23 carat emerald cut diamond. What makes this gemstone stand out is both its size and intensity of its color, Pink. It has a clarity grade of (VVS2) which is common in such diamonds as The Perfect Pink. In 2010, the Christie’s Auction sold it to an unknown buyer. Ever wonder if the identity of the buyer could be worth more than the diamond itself?
#8- The Wittelsbach Diamond — $23.4 million

Source : http://famousdiamonds.tripod.com/wittelsbachdiamond.html
This diamond is not just a controversy; it is by all in itself a whopper! Originally 35.56 carat, it was later modified and cut down to 31.06 carat in 2010. This diamond has been passed by One European member of royalty to another giving it an elegant touch of historic royalty.
This heart throbbing deep blue piece has been a part of German and Spanish Royalty since it arrived in the 1600’s. However this diamond also has a controversial side to it. In 2010 there was a controversial Recut to it which triggered an awful backlash among the Gemology Community. Nonetheless, this historic feud of Recutting made the diamond enhance its color and ended up giving it a Flawless look for generations to come!
#7- The Winston Blue — $23.8 million

Source : pinterest.com
This diamond got its name by its 2014 owner, Harry Winston. Originally it was named the ‘Fancy Vivid Blue Diamond’. This diamond is the Mammoth of its kind weighing in at 13.22 carat as graded by the GIA . This pear shaped beast was sold for $2 million per carat in 2014 which broke records as the highest per carat selling diamond!
#6- The Pink Star — $71.2 million
Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAdh-rEsYKw
This impeccable, unblemished piece of creation is worth 10 miles of the American Interstate Highway! It originated from South African mines in 1999, and was previously known as ‘Steinmetz Pink’. It has been the largest diamond to have been graded the FVP grade. Chow Tai Fook Enterprises, a Hong Kong based conglomerate, bought the Pink Star from Sotheby’s auction in 2017 in a telephone bid. This gemstone was later renamed to CTF Pink Star in memory of the current Chow Tai Fook chairman’s late father.
#5- The Centenary Diamond — $100 million

Source : http://famousdiamonds.tripod.com/centenarydiamond.html
Originally in its raw form which is a rough stone, it weighed over 500 carat. It was later modified into a flawless heart shaped piece where it sacrificed carats; however, it gave this piece an improved clarity and colour grade. This particular diamond is worth more than an Airbus A320NEO Plane!
#4- The Hope Diamond — $200-$250 million
Source : https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/india/unexplained-mystery-of-the-cursed-diamond-or-the-hope-diamond-22799.html
The origins of this piece are unknown. However, it is believed to have been discovered in India in the 1600’s, it was later bought by King Louis XIV in 1668. It is a dark gray-blue 45.42 carat antique cushion cut piece which, however, was stolen in a crown jewel looting in 1791. Nonetheless, it later resurfaced in London in 1893. This diamond has been to a lot of owners and was finally bought by Harry Winston who later donated it to the Smithsonian Institution attracting a large number of tourists. The unusual thing about this diamond is that it is rumoured to be cursed due to the misfortune and tragedy experienced by many of its previous owners.
#3- The Cullinan — goes up to $2 billion
Source : https://twitter.com/GILLaboratories/status/1172830459572572160/photo/1
The Cullinan is the largest rough diamond ever found making it the Brute of its kind weighing in at 3,106.75 carat! It surely is a gigantic beast! It came from Cullinan, South Africa in 1905. It was later gifted to King Edward VII. This splendid masterpiece was then cut to 9 mainstones of which the largest weighs at 530.2 carat.
#2- The Sancy — Priceless
Source : https://museumofdiamonds.org/products/f24
This diamond has one of the most Intriguing and exhilarating histories. It is a pale yellow 55.23 carat shield shaped stone, with apparent reports of its Indian origin, remains as the first diamond to be cut with symmetrical facets. This stone gives an unusual image to its spectators as it has no pavilion; it only has a pair of crowns, one on the other. It was first bought in Constantinople by the French in the 15th century. This diamond then travelled to numerous owners of different reigns and has seen quite the history. The diamond gets its name from Nicholas Harlai or ‘The Seigneur de Sancy’ who was an avid collector of gems. Its nature was so exquisite that the diamond later also went missing with a messenger who never came back. The incident took an interesting turn when the diamond was found in the messenger’s stomach! This diamond comes with numerous stories such as the one above! The Sancy now lies in the Louvre museum, Paris. No doubt one attached a priceless tag to it!
#1- The Kohinoor — Priceless
Source : https://pristinefire.in/blogs/education/what-made-kohinoor-diamond-so-famous
Despite its bloody history, this diamond is still by far the greatest diamond in the history of mankind. The diamond, if we were to know its worth, greatest empires in the world have tried to lay their hands upon this diamond. However, it met its fate when it was surrendered to the British by India. It weighs at 105 carat and has a weight of 21.6 grams. It is often said that ‘One who owns this diamond owns this world’. The piece has gained so much of fame that there are various myths attached to it too! A piece this exclusive, no wonder it is ranked as #1 not in this blog but in this world!
Clayton fernandes
This is an amazing article and specifications worth reading so is the research. The most expensive diamonds in the world is a glittering article indeed.
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